A curated collection of software engineering resources. Covers a wide range of topics I am currently interested in.
A practical guide to building a graphql api with appsync and a single dynamodb table. It includes cute farm animal examples! 🐄 🥺 🔥
By Rich Buggy60 Beautifuly presented templates to build websites with tailwind css
By Mert CukurenThis twitter thread contains everything you need to get started writing great things that help people get stuff done
By Jen LambourneThe why of aws athena and how to reduce the cost of querying it further
By Jacob RichterA complete open source analytics solution: visualization agnostic frontend SDKs and API backed by analytical server infrastructure.
This talk explores the concept of “safe” teams and how they enable us to build and design software faster
By Trent WillisNot being sufficiently persuasive is the largest external source of programmer unhapiness.
By Sandi Metz